What You Should Know About AmalgamsNov 04 2019

dentist fairfield ca amalgam fillings for cavitiesDo you or any of your other family members have fillings in your mouth? If so, do you know what they’re made of and are you aware of the consequences of each type of filling? Most of us have probably never thought about these aspects of our oral health.

Watch this video that will give you an overview of existing amalgams and what you need to know to protect your teeth.


Dental amalgams for many years were created by making a mixture of Mercury with at least one other metal. The cost of this material was relatively low, patients suffered few side effects and these amalgams lasted for a long time. Since then, new techniques have evolved and other restorative materials have been created that offer the dental patients multiple options. You will want to consider such things as appearance, durability, ease of treatment, and so on.

It is important to know that whatever you do to your mouth it will not wear out in a few years and require additional treatment. The best way to become fully informed is to sit down and talk with Mark J. Warner DDS Inc. They will be able to advise you so that you can truly understand all of your options. As with most things cost may be a factor as well and if you are on a budget you will want to know the price of the initial treatment as well as any potential maintenance.

Watch this short video where we will share with you the full truth about amalgams. It’s information that you truly want to know!

All the best,

Mark J. Warner DDS Inc. “Life is Better with Great Teeth.”

Mark J. Warner DDS is a leading dentist in Fairfield, CA. Call Dr. Warner’s Dental office at 707-422-7633 to schedule your appointment today.

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