Baby Teeth- A Parent’s Brief GuideApr 14 2020

Whether you are expecting your first child or they're your third, it is always nice to know information on your baby. Here are a few facts that are good to know:

  1. When your baby is teething , massaging gums, giving them something cold, or even some acetaminophen on occasion can soothe that teething pain. Many times babies don’t have too much discomfort, but sometimes you can really tell your child is in pain. One sign is that they are drooling more than usual. Massaging can offer relief to swollen gums, teething rings that are frozen can also give that relief. If the pain is bad enough, consider consulting with a pediatrician about give the correct dose of acetaminophen to your baby.\
  2. Most baby teeth start to come in anytime between six and twelve months. All babies are different. Around three months infants become more and more curious about things. Have you noticed they put everything in their mouths?! This makes some parents think their children are teething, but typically the first teeth come in around 6 month. The most common to first appear are the lower front, or the lower central incisors.\
  3. Once those teeth start coming through, around 6 months, fluoride should be in the child’s diet. This mineral helps prevent tooth decay. Usually it is in tap water, but not all cities have in their water supply, so double check. You can use that tap water in those solid foods like oatmeal, rice, etc.\
  4. Make an appointment! When that first tooth comes in, it can be an exciting time! Make sure you set an appointment with a pediatric dentist or your dentist so they can give you more detailed advice. This also establishes a pattern for your child, and they may be more likely to not fear going to the dentist if they know it’s normal!
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