What is Invisalign®? Is it right for me?Jun 08 2020

You may have a love- hate (mostly hate) relationship with the traditional braces scene. You probably got them during your teen years and couldn’t stand them. Getting food stuck in them, the embarrassment when you smile, and just feeling clunky. What we really can’t stand is having to wear them as adults! There has to be a better way! I’m here to tell you there is another great solution than the expensive and uncomfortable normal braces.

It is called Invisalign®. Invisalign® are clear aligners that are specific to your teeth. The dentist will take impressions of your teeth and create trays, or aligners, that are changed every one to two weeks. Every couple weeks you will receive a new tray and over time, your teeth will be aligned and straightened to be a great smile, braces free! You can eat, drink, sleep, and just live life like normal, without thinking about how you look with them on.

To see if Invisalign® is right for you, go to your dentist or (Dr. Warner!), and or the Invisalign® website Should I Get Invisalign? | Smile Assessment | Invisalign and take their assessment. Dr. Warner also has the awesome iTero Element® scanner that can virtually show your teeth and how they will look when your treatment is done, which is a very popular tool at our office. Depending on the case, your teeth could be straight in as little as 6 months! Ask about Invisalign® at your next appointment to see how it can change your life.

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