When is the Best Time to Floss?Jan 08 2020

We know that if we want to keep proper dental hygiene, then we don’t only need to brush and use mouthwash, but we also need to floss. This is because flossing ensures that we get rid of all those little pieces of food that water doesn't even come close to cleaning, and brushing doesn't really get the job done

We all remember that when we were young, our parents or our dentist used to tell us to floss at least one time per day, and that we need to also brush two times per day, in the mornings and the evenings. This is when we all realized that flossing is important if we want to make sure that we have a healthy smile. Truth is that if we don’t floss, a lot of bacteria are left in our mouth, as the toothbrush doesn't reach all those areas that floss can reach.

Dental floss is great to reach the areas that the toothbrush is unable to, and it lets you remove all those little bits and pieces of food that are trapped between your gums and teeth. When we can’t get rid of all the food, then that food starts to form bacteria, which leads to the formation of tartar and then this leads to gum disease, cavities and other problems.

The first sign of problem occurs when your gums start becoming sore, swell or bleed as you brush. If the problem isn't solved in time, then you can easily get gingivitis, and then this can lead to advanced gum disease, commonly known as periodontists.

It’s up to you whether or not you want to floss in the morning. There are people who like to floss before going to bed, so they know that their mouth is clean before they call it a night. If you want to know the best time to floss, the short answer is “anytime”!

According to the official American Dental Association, it makes no difference if you floss after or before your brush. Nevertheless, you should keep in mind that it’s better to floss before you brush, as you can clean all the spaces between your teeth efficiently. This ensures that when you start brushing you will cover more space and you will allow the fluoride in the toothpaste act more effectively and offer you  better protection.

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