Why are my teeth so sensitive? Mar 16 2022

Have you ever experienced the uncomfortable, and sometimes even painful, sensation of taking a drink of something cold, and it hits your teeth and gums? Have you wondered what causes that unfortunate feeling?

Tooth sensitivity occurs for a few reasons. The main culprit is when the tooth enamel and been been worn down enough that the dentin (the layer under the enamel) or even roots are exposed. Those are vulnerable and sensitive areas of the tooth. That’s why we have enamel to protect them. So when you are eating or drinking something that is really hot OR cold, you feel that sudden flash of pain. Not fun, right?

Other reasons include gum recession, cavities, gum infection, sinus infection, cracked tooth, and grinding your teeth.

Gum recession happens through aging, eating, brushing your teeth, and just daily trauma. It typically doesn’t happen from something you have done.

Cavities occur from poor eating and or dental care (see our cavity blog blog for more information).

Gum infection is a symptom or gum disease (see our gum disease blog for more information).

Cracked or chipped teeth are damaged in one way or another, which usually causes pain.

Sinus infections can cause pressure from inflammation in the sinus cavity, pinching nerves.

Clenching or grinding on teeth can speed up enamel erosion and wear on the teeth, causing pain.

How to stop sensitivity:

There are a few things that can help ease sensitivity. Toothpaste that is labeled sensitive on it can usually help. Going to the dentist for check ups and regular cleanings is a great way to prevent the sensitivity in the first place. If there is severe pain, go straight to the dentist!

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